Slow down and reverse ageing!

The proactive personalised healthcare company that guarantees to help you ‘age younger’

Our customers love us!


We all have two ages: chronological age and biological age

Your biological age is a true reflection of your body's age, inside and out. At Longevity we combine several bio-age tests to provide you with a wholistic bio-age, we call Longevity Age.

“It's a community that supports and motivates each other. I would recommend Longevity to anyone seeking to improve their physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing too”"


Chronological Age: 50

Bio-Age: 42


We enable you to slow down and reverse your ageing with science-based solutions that cover the biological root causes of ageing.


Understand what’s happening in your body and how to make improvements.

Body Assessments

Receive a detailed report of your Longevity Age using state-of-the-art measuring machines. We also test blood, DNA, epigenetics and cellular health .

World Leading Experts

Longevity experts such as Peter Attia and Dr David Sinclair have spent decades researching how to live longer. Receive recommendations from the world’s best.

Longevity Coach

24/7 access to your personal Longevity Expert. Everything you need to know about sleep, diet, memory, exercise and more at your fingertips.

We'll guide you through the personalised actions needed to reduce your Bio-Age.

Prevent Muscle Decay

At the heart of our offering are specialised electromagnetic machines, designed to facilitate muscle development in a safe, efficient, and effortless manner. Crucial for strength and stability and stimulating the release of potent growth hormones and biochemicals beneficial for your entire body.

Protect The Heart

Just 2 hours of cardio per week can add years to your life, boost your immune system and promote natural growth hormones release. Spending time outdoors whilst running or cycling is one of the most effective ways to improve cardio and endurance. We coach habit formation so it becomes part of everyday life.

Diet & Supplements

What you put in your body is just as important as exercise.

We offer educational resources and access to scientifically proven supplements from trusted partners if it turns out you might benefit from additional support.

Our advanced bio age measuring machines have been featured in


  • 1:1 full body assessment using the latest technology and guidance from an expert Longevity coach

  • Aggregated bioAge score comparing you with 13 million other customers covering:   Metabolic Age, Mobility Age, Strength Age, Cardio Age

  • Discounts off scientifically backed DNA/epigenetic bio-age tests, Omega 6:3 balance tests and GlycanAge bioAge tests

  • Free resistance training session with a Longevity coach

1 hour
Full Body Assessment
Save 37%
1 hour
Full Body Assessment
Save 15%
30 mins
Upper Body Assessment
Save 5%

What comes after your assessment?
Become a Longevity member and subscribe to continuous


"Longevity’s unique approach to helping me understand my bioAge has given me the tools I need to live a long, active & healthy life and being a mum, this is really important to me."


Chronological Age: 38

Bio-Age: 34

"After 12 months with Longevity my upper body strength Bio-Age is 35 and I’m 68 years old!"


Chronological Age: 68

Bio-Age: 35

"As a dedicated runner, incorporating Longevity’s strength training program has not only led to new personal bests but also astonishingly shaved 10 years off my bio age."


Chronological Age: 51

Bio-Age: 40


What is bioAge?

We all have 2 ages: chronological age and biological age. Your biological age is a true reflection of your body’s age, inside & out. At Longevity we combine several bioAge tests to provide you with a wholistic bioAge, we call Longevity Age.

Can you really slow down and even reverse ageing? 

Yes you can significantly slow down your biological age, and in some cases, even reverse it. Your biological age can be assessed through a variety of tests that evaluate functional fitness, metabolism, cellular health, DNA epigenetics, and gut health. By undergoing these evaluations, you'll be able to witness firsthand the scientific possibility of reducing your biological age and enhancing your overall health span.

What does the assessment involve? What do I need to bring?

At Longevity we believe in evidence basing your progress against well recognised and scientifically validated biomarkers so that we can take the guesswork out of healthy living. The first step in the process is to take a bioAge assessment.

The 60min assessment covers 4 key components of health-related fitness; metabolism; mobility; muscular strength & cardio fitness. To complete the assessment, you will need to wear comfortable exercise clothing and bring a water bottle. There are 4 different elements to the assessment which include strength tests on 8 different pieces of strength equipment and a cardio test performed on a bike or a x-trainer. We like to describe it as 58 minutes of fun and 2 minutes of hard work carried out in a very friendly environment.

The results of this bioAge assessment are aggregated to give you a meaningful bioAge which you can compare against your chronological age and discuss with one of our Longevity Coaches.

It's important to know that we are non-judgemental and so should you be. Your first result is almost incidental – it doesn’t matter how you score: what matters is that you now have a ‘marker in the sand’ that we can use as a benchmark to track your future progress.

Is Longevity a Gym?

Longevity isn’t a gym. We are a hub for proactive personalised health, dedicated to the science of longevity. Our approach goes beyond conventional fitness, focusing on decelerating and potentially reversing biological aging through a comprehensive blend of education, lifestyle modifications, and advanced technology.

One of the most difficult areas of longevity lifestyle to impact is preventing muscle decay and releasing growth hormnes that reduce as we age. At the heart of our offering are specialised electromagnetic machines, distinctively different from typical gym equipment. These are not for conventional fitness but are designed to facilitate muscle development in a safe, efficient, and effortless manner. This process is crucial not just for strength and stability but because it stimulates the release of potent growth hormones and biochemicals beneficial for your entire body. Within a simple 30-minute session, much like using your car's GPS for navigation, you can complete a full-body muscle development routine – it's the closest thing to a pill for releasing those powerful, natural growth hormones.

While physical fitness is a crucial component of our program, Longevity's approach encompasses a broader, more holistic spectrum of health and wellness. One of the cornerstones of our program is enhancing muscle development, but we do this through methods that are far removed from traditional strength training. Our specialised electromagnetic machines are tailored to your body and needs, offering a unique experience that you won't find in a typical gym setting.

There's much more to our program, and we're excited to share all the details with you during your personalised assessment. Longevity isn't a gym; it's a center of excellence where the latest in longevity science comes to life to help you live your healthiest, longest life.

Do I have to take  any supplements or pills ?

No, most people do not need to take supplements or pills because the body naturally produces the what it needs when triggered with correct lifestyle changes. However, individual needs can vary, so we provide personalised assessments to understand your specific requirements better. We also offer educational resources and access to scientifically proven supplements from trusted partners if it turns out you might benefit from additional support.

How do I book my first assessment?

We have between 4 & 12 booking slots for Longevity Age assessments available every day. We keep 3 free for first appointments so everyday there should be a suitable space available for you to book in & begin your Longevity journey. You can either book by clicking the link below or call us at our studio on 03333 396979 – the team will be pleased to make the booking for you.

After the assessment how do I slow down and reverse my bioage ageing?

Our program offers a thorough combination of education and lifestyle modifications aimed at decelerating and potentially reversing your biological age. A key element in this process is enhancing muscle development, which is crucial not just for strength and stability but also because it stimulates the release of potent growth hormones that benefit many cells in your body. Traditional strength training might involve complex exercises, but at Longevity, you'll have access to specialized electromagnetic machines tailored to your body. These machines aid in muscle development effortlessly. Within a simple 30-minute session, you'll complete a full-body muscle development routine. It's as straightforward as using your car's GPS—consider it the closest thing to a pill for releasing those powerful natural growth hormones.

There's much more to our program, and we'll discuss all the details with you during your assessment.

What is Longevity?

Put simply Longevity is your ability to live a long, active, happy & healthy life. Many aspects of longevity are within our control and via our Longevity Coaches & the Longevity App we can guide you through them.

Our customers are just like you: they want to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible; they want to be independent and active for as long as possible; they want to improve their healthspan as well as their lifespan; they want to continue to play an active & central role in their family, continue to be engaged in their community and be able to keep up with the kids as they get older; they simply want to add life to their years and understand that it's never too early or late to start.

Many members have said that in addition to the physical benefits they get from training at Longevity they also get an enhanced sense of; Vitality: more energy to do the things they love; Mental wellbeing: including feeling better in themselves, clarity of thought (removal of ‘brain fog’), and they appreciate having the time and space to themselves to think things through. Resilience: an enhanced sense of purpose and ability to ‘get things done’ Social inclusion: whether they are aged 30 or 70, enjoy interacting with people who have similar aspirations and interests to themselves. Resilience: an enhanced sense of purpose and ability to ‘get things done’ Social inclusion: whether they are aged 30 or 70, enjoy interacting with people who have similar aspirations and interests to themselves.

At Longevity we believe we can help make the world age younger and are on a mission to reduce 1,000,000 peoples bioAge by 10 years – that’s and additional 10 active years for 1,000,000 people.

What else do you do?

At Longevity we are ‘raving fans’ of world leading longevity experts such as David Sinclair and Peter Attia and on your behalf, we keep up with the latest learnings and research to bring you scientifically validated longevity solutions.

While the bioAge assessment is core to our longevity proposition the following are recommended but optional.

To do this we work with a range of partners such as:
Muhdo – DNA & epigenetic tests.
Zinzino – cellular health Omega 3 & 6 balance tests & supplements.
Synergy – 21 day gut cleanse programmes & coaching.
Purovitalis – longevity supplements such as NMN & Resveratrol



Windmill Hill Golf Centre, Tattenhoe Lane, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 7RB